History of German big festival "Oktoberfest"
I researched the history of “Oktober Fest”, and I will introduce this festival. This began when the prince of Bayern Ludwig 1 and Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen held a wedding party in 1810. People call this festival “Oktoberfest”. In 1910, this festival celebrated its 100th anniversary. Then (1,200,000) one point two million liters of beer was drunk. In 2010, this festival will celebrate 200th anniversary, and it will be big festival. I think this festival is so interesting and exiting but it has sad history that terrorism happened there. 13 people died, 200 people injured, 68 people was serious injury by bomb. However, it will never happen again. I recommend people go there one time.
2 件のコメント:
It's OK.
Good Job.
i think that the cotent is good and i interested in it.
if i have a free time, i really want to search for it.
btw, do you know "la tomaina"
i searched for it.
it is good festival and fucking good place.
we can throw out the Tomate to other people.
it's sounds interesting.
i hope you that i go to Spain with you.
okey, see you later.